Food Freedom Evolution

The step-by-step, proven online program that will take you from food-obsessed to intuitive eater




Stop thinking about food & your body 24/7 so you can actually LIVE!


Enough of the war! It’s time to reclaim what has been yours all along.


Feel 100% confident in how to fuel & move your own body.


Let’s see if this sounds familiar…

You wake up in the morning, and your brain starts running through all the ways you’re going to “be good” today with your food choices.

How many carbs, calories, macros, [enter mechanism of the season] you’re allowed to have.

The list of foods you’re not allowed to touch.

How you’re going to work off and “undo” the damage from the weekend.

Despite the anxious pit in your stomach, part of you is excited by the idea of this being the time it all finally sticks. You’re hopeful!

“I’ll be able to stick to all the rules this time,” you think.

And sometimes you do! You gut it out. You may even see results! But then something happens…

You notice yourself slipping. You can’t stop thinking about the cookies, cakes, chips, booze, and long list of foods you’re not allowed to have. 

“Just one bite”, you think, as you’re consumed with anxiety of what’s to come.

One bite turns into the entire package.

Or maybe you’re able to stop after a couple bites, but the guilt & shame you feel afterwards is all-consuming.

You then find yourself searching to ways to rid yourself of these emotions, which leads to MORE food, booze, or restriction to cope.

You’re utterly exhausted from this cycle, yet you can’t possibly fathom a different reality, so onward it goes!

You want to break loose, but it just doesn’t seem possible.

It’s been so long since you’ve eaten “normally” that you can’t even grasp that reality.

Now imagine...

You wake up excited for a purpose-driven day ahead.

Food doesn’t even enter your mind until you begin to feel the pangs of hunger in your body—sensations you feel very comfortable discerning. ⁣

You’re eager to nourish your body with foods you LOVE. You know you can have both & you know you DESERVE both!

You stop eating when your body is satisfied without giving it a second thought. It’s simply innate.⁣

You can eat processed foods when & how you choose, and one bite doesn’t turn into a full-on binge.

You continue on with your day, fully engaged and present with your responsibilities and relationships. Your life receives ALL of you.

You feel relaxed.

Confident in your body’s intuition with food.

Confident in your body’s intuition with LIFE.

You move your body in a way that feels enjoyable and pleasurable, all while knowing what serves your body best.

You may not adore everything about your body, but wow, do you respect her.

You melt into your inherent worthiness and love to adorn yourself with deep connection, trust & respect.

Food and movement fuel your purpose rather than BEING your purpose.

This is 100% possible for you! It’s your birthright.



Tessa W.

Truly loves herself now and says, "Jessie's approach to finding freedom with food is unique and special and really works."

"I can honestly say. I would do it again in a heartbeat or I would pay double."

Amanda F. 

"Food used to be something I thought about all the time. There was a lot of shame around food; a lot of shame around movement. That's no longer the case for me! 

The amount of mental space I now have that is free from thinking so negatively around food is allowing me to channel my energy towards things that are of more importance to me.

It's a wonderful program that's worth every every single dollar you spend on it in time you put into it."

Emily C.

“Before working with Jessie, I felt really frustrated and resentful by the thought that I basically felt I needed to starve myself just to feel comfortable in my own skin.

I’m now coming from a place of self-respect and self-worth, and that makes my food decisions easy." 



My process inside FFE facilitates a DEEP transformation that radically shifts your relationship with food from the inside-out. This is the key to long-lasting freedom.

That means you make food decisions WITH your body. You become true partners.

You’re deeply & truly connected with your body so you hear her whispers.

You trust and honor the whispers so you don’t have to hear her roar.

You WANT to treat yourself and your body with respect, while also having fun along the way.

You become your own damn guru with food and your body so that you never have to look to someone else for the answers—ever again.

You get off the every-so-popular train of restriction, rules, meal plans, overeating, under-eating, too much exercise or not enough.

Life with food becomes peaceful. Beautiful. Liberating.

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Inside you will...

↠ Learn how to build an unbreakable foundation as you rewire your brain & thought patterns, transform your beliefs, and watch your habits with food *naturally* shift as a result.

↠ Tap into your intuition through a deep connection to your emotional landscape and physical body.

↠ Uncover the deceptive diet dogma that has been dictating your food choices as you learn the FACTS about food and your body.

↠ Radically shift the meaning you attach to your body—your new BFF!

↠ Discover what your relationship with food is revealing about your relationship with life.




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"I feel great! I feel comfortable around food. I don't worry about the things I used to worry about, so I have so much time.

Almost too much time after not obsessing about food & my body anymore!"

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Darcy Q.

"Since doing FFE, I've become a much more confident person. My relationships with food and my life in general have done a 180.

I no longer feel the need to shove my feelings down with food, the negative self-talk - I don't tolerate it anymore & know how to deal with them with the tools from the program.

By the third week I got my money's worth."

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"Before I started working with Jessie, I worked out as punishment. I tried lots of different diets and ways of eating, but nothing ever changed.

I'm now respecting my body & fostering my own self-respect and love.

It was one of the most impactful experiences I've had!"


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↠ The basics of the course and a deep dive into understanding what led you to your current relationship with food.

↠ The 3 key, foundational pieces needed for you to have a healthy relationship with food & body.

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↠ Learn how to retrain your brain.

↠ Understand the truth about your thought patterns and learn how to use them to your advantage.

↠ Why you emotionally eat & how to begin seeing shifts ASAP.

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↠ Understand how your current beliefs are causing your issues with food.

↠ Learn how to shift these beliefs so they’re working in your favor.

↠ Identify areas of low self-worth and how to begin healing.

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↠ Learn what intuition actually is for the mind, body, and soul.

↠ Understand why it’s so difficult for you to connect with yours.

↠ Discover how to begin connecting with and trusting yours.

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↠ Learn how your body communicates with you via biofeedback (and what this even looks like!)

↠ Understand why blood sugar is vitally important to your success.

↠ Identify what hunger and fullness cues feel like within your own body.

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↠ Learn the basics of macronutrients and how to leverage this information without being obsessive.

↠ Discover the many myths about exercise and how you’ve been lied to.

↠ Understand how our bodies thrive off of seasons & why we must flow with these changes.

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↠ Learn the five common sources of your negative body image.

↠ Discover the many misconceptions and truths about the female body.

↠ Understand how to begin loving your body unconditionally.

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↠ Discover what your relationship with food is telling you about your relationship with yourself.

↠ Understand how fulfillment in life manifests through food.

↠ Learn how to tap into your own authentic expression and begin living in alignment.


Finding Freedom with Food Intolerances

($497 value)

In this exclusive interview with Eleni Chechopolous, NTP, you'll learn how to balance food intolerances with your mental freedom.

Intuitive Eating for Athletes

($197 value)

Learn how to balance your mental freedom while appropriately fueling your body & making proper adjustments.

Keys to Success

($497 value)

Discover the most impactful mindset shifts you NEED to make to successfully transform your relationships with food & your body FOR GOOD!

Intuitive Weight Loss

($297 value)

Understand how to achieve aesthetic goals while maintaining your mental freedom. **Unlocked after completing all 8 modules**

The Neuroscience of Body Connection

($497 value)

In this exclusive training, we explore a brain-based lens to your stress, pain & body experiences, which 100% impact your relationship with food & body!

Top 5 Tactical Tools & Strategies

($197 value)

We’ll cover specific techniques for incorporating “fear foods”, identifying what’s “worth it” to you, how to know when to stop with mega-delicious foods, and more!


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FFE is for you if...

✓ You think about food 24/7

✓ You’ve lost touch with your body’s hunger & fullness cues. “Just listen to your body” is the most frustrating advice ever for you!

✓ You consistently under-eat, overeat, and/or oscillate between the two

✓ You rely on tracking your food and feel anxious if you don’t

✓ You can’t remember the last time you ate when hungry, stopped when satisfied, and moved one with your day

✓ You exercise to control or punish your body

✓ The thought of not following a diet, plan, or a set of food rules makes you anxious

✓ You’re either “on track” or “off track” with food

✓ You frequently eat to soothe uncomfortable emotions

✓ You don’t feel present during your life, because so much of your brain space is occupied by food and your body

✓ You want to feel a deep connection with yourself and your body

✓ You feel like you’re not truly LIVING due to obsessing about food & your body


If you’re one or any of the above, you’re in the right place!

And the truth is…

You can arrive at a place where food is an after thought and YOUR LIFE is at the forefront.

Sound scary? It might be!

It’s normal to feel lost, scared, and confused about life or yourself after years of obsessing over food and your body.

But what’s scarier?

Looking back in your old age and realizing life has passed you by…


…taking the leap and committing to transforming your relationship with food?

Transform your relationship with food—transform your relationship with life itself.

That’s really what Food Freedom Evolution is all about.

Making your own rules.

Learning to turn to yourself as the expert.

Being deeply connected to and committed to your body as your guide.

When you let go of the old programming, beliefs, and out-dated (or plain false) rules…radical transformation happens.


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Beth C.

"It's insane to think about how much time I was spending thinking about food and working out and how obsessed I was over superficial goals. I'll still set goals for myself, because goals are motivating for me, they now come from a different place and are empowering and not punishing.

This program is a mature and grounded way to understand and connect with everything inside you from cravings, to obsessions, to reactions, to goals, to the things we tell ourselves."

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Sarah Z.

"My relationship with food is completely different than it has been over the last 15 years, which is crazy to say!

I was really shocked at how quickly I was able to find freedom from food & exercise."

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“I would tell someone who's scared to make their investment in Jessie's program to take the leap of faith, just as I did.

You will never regret investing in yourself, and this is truly the best thing I've ever done for myself.

I feel like a new person. I highly, highly, highly recommend this program!”

Here's what you get...

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8 modules dripped out weekly that include exclusive video trainings, worksheets & guides

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6 exclusive bonus modules that will escalate your success tenfold

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Lifetime access to all FFE course materials, including future updates, for the lifetime of the program!


One Payment of 


Two Payments of





…so you can focus on what actually matters in this one, precious life.

Most of us eat several times per day, and we’ll do this until the day we die. The anxiety, fear, tension, and frustration experienced around food are not things we can afford to ignore!

When you’re obsessed with and fearful of food, you’re not living.

Reclaiming freedom with food is reclaiming life itself…and there isn’t another day to waste.

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Hi, I'm Jessie!

I struggled with endless dieting, bingeing, restriction, over-exercising, abusing my body, and terrible body image for nearly a decade.

It wasn't until I threw my hands up in the air and started to shift my relationship with food - from the inside out - that I finally experienced the freedom I so desperately craved.

Food, fitness, and my body are now means to an end, living a beautiful life, rather than the focus of my entire life. I eat healthy foods and move my body consistently *without having to force it one bit*. Praise be!

Through my own journey, I have developed a passion for bringing the tools and insights I've learned to others, and I’m here to be the resource I wish I had access to for almost a decade!

I graduated from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in 2016 as a Mind, Body, Nutrition Coach, I completed the Level 1 nutrition certification from Precision Nutrition in 2017, and I’ve helped over 100 women reclaim their freedom with food.

I truly believe that each woman on this planet has amazing gifts to offer and deserves to feel incredibly empowered. Healing your relationship with food is the gateway to this reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're ready to go from food-obsessed to intuitive eater...

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